January 19, 2010

Happy birthday, Sam!

Posted in Children, Family tagged , , , at 8:12 am by Liliana

Sam Holtzman

Happy birthday, Sam!

Today is Sam’s birthday.  My youngest son is seventeen years old. I am sure that most parents will sympathize when I write the old cliché that the time since Sam was born has gone by incredibly quickly.

Sam has brought love, sweetness, excitement and adventure into our lives. He has always been a happy, easy-going and fearless child. The first time I took him swimming (when he was about one year old and had just started walking) this is what he did: He backed up to a wall as far as he could go, broke into a run and leaped into the pool of water without an idea of where he was jumping. That has been his approach to life pretty much ever since. His joy in being alive and savoring every moment has taught the rest of us in his family to ease up, to relax and enjoy the moment. It has also taught us to watch out for him, to cherish and to guide him.

I delight in observing Sam’s interpretations of our shared experiences, and I have learned so much from him. Whenever afraid, he faces his fears, and does his best to conquer them. He is the joyous heart of our family and it is impossible to imagine our lives without him. Happy birthday, Sam!